Latest News from the ObservePoint team

Register Now for TipJar

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Shared by Product β€’ July 17, 2024

Hey there,

Join us for TipJar as we discuss how you can avoid wasting ad spend on digital marketing campaigns. If you can't make it live, register anyway and we'll send you a recording!

πŸ“… When: Tuesday, July 30th, 9am MT

πŸ“ Where: Webinar

πŸ€” What will you learn?

  • Where marketers should focus in an Audit Report
  • How to make sure all your most important landing pages are working properly
  • How to monitor the functionality of your biggest revenue-driving web pages
  • Things to look out for to make sure everything that should be tracked on your site, is tracked on your site!
  • What to do if you find issues like broken, missing, or duplicate tags & pages

πŸ—£οΈ Hosted By

  • Jarrod Wilbur, Sr. Technical Product Manager

We look forward to seeing you!

Feature update

Have you set up an Email Inbox yet?

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Shared by Product β€’ July 08, 2024

Hey there,

A new Beta is out, and we think you'll like it. Now, you can kick off Audits automatically for all the links in your marketing emails - simply by adding ObservePoint to the test send audience in your email marketing program.

Once the email is sent, a Audit will kick off (with any specific settings you want!) and your email team will be able to sleep soundly knowing all their email links work perfectly πŸ‘Œ

Check out Landing Page Validation for Email at the link below.

Feature update

Check Out our Product Improvements

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Shared by Product β€’ June 25, 2024

Hey there,

We've got two new additions to ObservePoint we think you'll like.

Tag & Variable Rule Updates πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

We added additional functionality to how T&V rules can be configured:

  • β€œIF” condition will support final URL & status code
  • β€œIF” condition will work with tag status codes
  • β€œThen” section will support URL query string parameters for final URL
  • All corresponding reporting has been updated to support new functionality

Accessibility 😍

  • Now in Page Details you can see the WCAG 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 standards (A, AA, AAA levels).
  • This will be available Audit-wide in 2024